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I was allowed to play! Perhaps because it is still in Early Access, some of the movements feel a bit frame-by-frame, but the concept of skateboarding and quickly defeating enemies with fighting is very good, and it was a lot of fun to play.

I used the Xbox gamepad to play. At first it was difficult to control the quick movements of the skateboard, but in less than 10 minutes I was able to control it freely and it was really exhilarating!


Thanks so much for playing and thanks for recording! The frame-by-frame style of the movements is an intentional choice, we wanted to emulate the frame look that can found in hand-drawn animation. We hope that you enjoyed it!


I see, so it was a hand-drawn animation style battle scene. I agree! And I apologize for playing with the old version.

I just played the latest version.  The course is very wide and it feels great to drive through it!

I was so excited when I found the shortcut by accelerating on the circular pipe! The wall kick jump at 0:55 was done by accident during this shoot, very cool!


No need to apologize, thanks for playing! You've got quite a good time now, and I'm glad you figured out the shortcut! You're very close to my record and I wonder if you could beat it! I've got a time of 01:09:33 and I think you definitely are on the right track!


I'm so glad you enjoyed the game!


Pretty cool, got lots of potential, BUT, the levels feel a little too big and empty. It'd be cool if there were more things to grind on, and maneuver around in the combat arenas. In the first level it also felt like i had to 'cheese' my way out of the first combat arena. I'm not even sure what is actually intended for that part, but I ended up wall grinding and spamming buttons to get out. The levels also felt like they were scaled up 1.5x, so it was kinda hard to jump onto things.

Combat also felt a little flat, as there's only really two attacks, and enemies tank too much damage, in my opinion.

Ultimately, I think if there was a larger focus on movement and momentum, and less so on defeating huge amounts of enemies in big arenas, the game would play a lot better.

There were a lot of cool things tho. The fact that you could see yourself through walls and it also indicated where you'd land to grind was good. The controls also felt pretty responsive and fluid.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! We'll take those notes on the level to heart!

Edit: Also about the level itself, the combat arena has a door that is meant to open once all of the enemies in the arena are defeated. This is the same kind of door that can be found at the end of the level as well.